Top 5 Live #Awesomenesstv
I had a great time Guest writing for AwesomenessTV's new show Top 5 Live on the Go-90 app! Hunter March - the host of the show reviews...

Really nice reads!! See you soon!
I'm happy to announce that I have just signed with agent Alicia Beekman at Commercial Talent for Los Angeles representation! My very...

We'd like you to join the Go Voices family!
I am super excited to be adding Go Voices as my Colorado Voiceover Agents! I have been communicating with them since the end of 2015 -...

TD Bank wants you!
YES!!! Booked my third Voicover Job since officially beginning to audition with Tag Talent in October of 2015! That's almost a booking a...

Started off the New Year with new headshots by Joanna Degeneres which quickly led to an Avail for a National & International commercial! ...
Star Wars is Back!!!
I had a great time working with 72 & Sunny on this spot for Google apps! If you listen carefully you will hear my voice as one of the...

Oh my....you are on fire!
It's always good to hear this from your Agent, and especially for the very first time! I am delighted to announce that I booked not one,...

I am pleased to announce that you are a recipient of a Groundlings Diversity Scholarship.
I am very excited to announce that I'm a recipient in the very first round of The Groundlings Diversity Scholarship Program. I have been...

New Manager and Voiceover Reps!!!
I'm very excited to announce that I have signed with Rectangle Entertainment! I will be represented by my new Manager Gen Kiyooka. In...

We would like to bring you in to audition for the 12th Annual CBS Diversity Sketch Comedy Showcase.
Today I had the opportunity to showcase my Original Characters and Impressions at the CBS Diversity Showcase auditions! I performed 5...